Lab Members | Lab Photos
2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001
Packing up at 64 Sidney

Jeremy working until the last possible second
Makaela on the last day

Chia-Chien on the last day

We had a lot of stuff!

And an awesome move team

The Medical Image Perception Lab at RSNA
Everyone thought we were the RSNA genius bar (we got lots of data though!)
Makaela giving her first talk at OPAM!

Jeremy and Dylan at practice Thanksgiving
Makaela, Caroline, Iris, and baby Iris in Berlin
Makaela, Caroline, Iris, and baby Iris in Berlin 2

Lab berry picking 2018

To the patch!

The real MVP of raspberry picking

Chia-Chien in a high yield patch

Caught Ester sneaking a berry
Our fearless leader

Foraging for bumble bees

Makaela foraging for raspberries

Please no paparazzi!
The Delegation - Part 1
The Delegation - Part 2
The Delegation - Part 3
The Delegation - Part 4

Gar Wai's Project Success talk

Go Gar Wai!
Just a boy and his crow
Surprise, it's also a puppet!
Sorry Nurit

Summer students 2018

Farah, baby Farah, Iris, and baby Iris!

The Wolfe Lab, June 2018

Lucia being the cutest


Jeremy attending VSS talks

Jeremy body swap

Hayden's VSS talk

Farah with her poster

Bea explaining her poster

María with her poster

María or Vanna White?

Bea with her poster

Makaela with her poster

Chia-Chien showing off his poster

Wolfe Lab babies!

Bea with her kiddos and Jeremy
Hayden, Caroline, and Makaela
Jeremy enjoying a night swim
Erica with her poster
Caroline and Makaela

VSS demo night

Longsheng's farewell lunch

Wolfe lab pottery painting